Meet the Board: Israel Fontanez
Israel Fontanez aka Izzy
Israel (Izzy) Fontanez Jr.
I'm a member at large, and I'm the chair of the fundraising/events committee
Tell us about yourself.
I'm a husband. My wife and I have been together for 18 years. We have 2 children, my daughter will be 16 this year and my son will be 13.
I wear a lot of hats... I'm kind of a mess but I find the funny in it. I've been a letter carrier for the last 13 years and this is my first term as city councilman for the City of Centralia. I'm also union proud, I'm pretty liberal, but really I just want to help everyone and I'm not blind so I know that some people are inherently behind the start line from others. They need more help and I want to help them. My passion is for our youth and elderly, and I just want to make the city and really the world better for my kids... now that doesn't mean I'm gonna change THE world but OUR world is our surroundings, and that's what I want to make better for the next generation.
As a Board member what do you do?
Mostly whatever Dawn says... just kidding, basically we make decisions for the betterment of the building, the programs, and everything that is "Centralia Cultural Society".
What made you choose to join the Cultural Society?
Truth? I'd been serving with Jeremy on projects with one of my non-profits (Mission Centralia) and we had gotten to know each other pretty good. He asked me to go to a open house, I did, got to see kind of the inside of the workings of the cultural society and the mission of the society made me smile. I think with the Cultural Society we are just letting the weird be weird, taking that weirdness, not only accepting it or celebrating it but NURTURING it and turning it into the most beautiful things! I mean all the senses things... sound, vision, taste, feel, smell, ALL of the things. We need the weird for innovation and the weird need protected to create. This building is just that and I want to do anything and everything I can to help that mission.
You are very active in the community. What role do you see the Cultural Society playing as a local art center in the community?
I've never seen a organization that has as many programs and opportunities as this place. This place is more than an art center... it's like an art haven! If you're willing to put work in for your art, we can find a place for you. I'm still learning about rooms in here and every one of them have a special feel to me. The stories the walls could tell... the memories made here... it's as fancy as you need it and as casual as you want. Seeing things like an orchestra with MULTIPLE generations makes me smile remembering it. The laughs in this place... it's magic. With that, the magic isn't confined to these walls. We are getting out in the community and doing things like Elmwood Speaks where we bring OUR CITY'S history and entertainment together in a show. Or the performances at City Hope Church, or the fests where we have booths now. Dawn is killing it with our community outreach. I'm holding on, smiling, and going for the ride!
How would you describe the Cultural Society and why should someone consider supporting local arts?
We have this place, it's everything and anything art... it's something I've never found in any other city. ALL the arts under one roof... have you seen the things Mike has made in what I call his man cave?! It's magic! The stage, beautiful... we have tools, if you're interested, come in and pitch your idea and we can help you make it happen! Wanna film a movie? We can do that. Wanna film a commercial or a speech? We can help with that. Wanna make a painting? Wanna make pottery? Wanna play an instrument? Wanna sing? What do you want to do? Are you willing to work? We got the tools!! That's the Cultrural Society. We can help the "weird" dream in your head come true and we can show the "world" your vision! (Changing our world!) See what I did there?!
Favorite art medium(s)?
I'm not great at any one thing. I'm good at some things but I appreciate gore. I love horror, I love the make up, the effects, I love costume, I love thrills!... but you really can't mess with how music can give you super powers... music can put you to sleep, it can make you able to run an extra mile. Music can take you to the depths of your memories and it can bring out emotions whether you want them or not. It can raise your heart rate, or give you goose bumps... music tells stories and shows you visions! Music is magic... and I can't sing great or play a single instrument. 🤣
Favorite book?
I LOVE HARRY POTTER and I'll scream that from the rooftops til the day I die. Harry Potter was new when I was in grade/highschool (the books, there where no movies) I remember having to wait for the next book to come out and trying to find one that wasn't sold out. It was more than entertainment for me. I had kind of a rough upbringing... I won't go into detail but when Harry was picked up and taken to a new world, shown that he was SO MUCH MORE than he was raised believing... I needed that. I went to Hogworts. I found best friends. I learned spells and I was the natural. I jumped on that train every time I got into a book and I escaped this life and joined the magical life where I was special for just a few more pages or one more chapter. I don't know where I would have been without Harry Potter and I know that sounds crazy, but that's my truth and I will hold on to it forever.
What artist or song gets stuck in your head most often?
I know 90% of Eminem's music word for word. I can go from first to last song on one of his albums in my head. Eminem helped me growing up too. I turned up the radio in my room to drown out the sounds outside of my room that I didn't want to hear. I couldn't afford much but my uncle would buy me an album once in awhile. He'd pick me up and take me to the music store and we'd listen to samples with headphones in the store and pick out an album. He was 18 so he could get the "Explicit Content" ones for me and I loved that!
What’s your go-to balloonfest concession?:
Well, I'm on the balloonfest planning committee and I spend all weekend in the park. All 3 days... I love it and my son loves helping. He always gets a giant corn dog (or 5 corn dogs) and I'll find Taco Jo's or a funnel cake, this year Simply Soul will be there so I'll DEFINITELY hit them up! It's weird but I'm a super loyal guy, so I stick with the trucks of the people that I know have supported me or a cause that I care about. You typically won't find me at an "out of town" food truck... I'm loyal to a fault... that's a whole other story... maybe will get deeper into that another time...