Meet the Board: Elizabeth Boozer
Elizabeth Boozer
Elizabeth Boozer
What are your hobbies/passions/interests?
I play the flute in the Centralia Community Concert Band. I enjoy helping with the youth group at my church, recently picked up running as a hobby and have my first half marathon coming up this month at Disney, I love traveling any chance I can, my favorite passtime is in the summer sitting outside reading a book. Also have to mention I’m a St. Louis Blues fan Let’s Go Blues.
What made you choose to join the Cultural Society?
A friend of mine reached out and asked if I’d be interested in being the treasurer for the Cultural Society. I got excited when he asked me because I would like to be involved in different parts of the community to meet people and grow as a person. The Cultural Society seemed like a really good fit for me with my love for musicals and concert band. Then I had parts in my high school dad productions of Peter Pan and Once Upon a Mattress which were put on at the Cultural Society! It’s a great opportunity and I’m excited to be a part of it for years to come.
What do you do as a Treasurer at the Cultural Society?
I go over the bills, sign the checks and at the meetings go over our accounts.
Favorite art medium(s)?
Oil paintings, I love Van Gogh.
Favorite book?
All Your Perfects - Colleen Hoover (Currently)
What artist or song gets stuck in your head most often?
I’m a Swiftie! If you see me driving around town I’m most likely listening to Taylor Swift!
What’s your go-to Balloonfest concession?
Always have to get some Ribbon Fries and a Lemon ShakeUp.