Meet the Board: Steve Dillingham
Steve Dillingham
Steve Dillingham
Land and Building committee
About you:
I grew up in Centralia. You know a kid on a bicycle in the late 60's early 70's. Went to Jr. College and then got into the printing industry. I have 2 great kids and 6 awesome grandchildren. Let's not forget all the bonus kids and their children.
What are your hobbies/passions/interests?
Hobbies well I've tried several and can't wait to get to retirement to find out what I really want to do when I grow up.
What made you choose to join the Cultural Society?
Getting on the board of the Centralia Cultural Society was by chance. I have volunteered there for a few shows. Mostly because the wife was involved lol! And was asked if I wanted to help out some more. So here I am. A member of the board imagine that!
Favorite art medium(s)?
I would guess that my favorite thing at the CCS would be the plays. The people and the passion for they do.
Favorite book?
The book would be The Velveteen Rabbit. It saved my life!
What does Land & Title Committee do?
It's more about keeping the building safe and up to the standards of a theater. Electrical and mechanical wise. That's part of my background as a maintenance technician for the last 42 years. Part of what I do is dealing with insurance and fire protection, which includes alarm and Sprinkler systems.
What artist or song gets stuck in your head most often?
Probably the song that gets stuck in my head now days is, from the Beginning by Emerson Lake and Palmer. My Love song with the wife.